Congrats Dan Snyder: FedEx Field Has Been Ranked The Worst Stadium In The League AND Has The Most Expensive Standard Beer


This tweet from Fox5 was making waves around the internet yesterday. I saw it and thought one thing and one thing only- in the words of 6 year old me, "No duhhhhhh".

No duh, dude. FedEx Field is a nuclear wasteland where fans and ACLs go to die. If you want sewage water do dump on you mid-game, that's the place to be. 



If you want a barricade to break along with all the bones in your body, boy do I have a stadium for you!



Want to get dinner and a few beers before the game? NOPE! NOT GONNA HAPPEN, BUCKO!



And it's not just the fans, the turf is the worst in the league and the FedEx Field ghosts haunt ACLs



But the good news is once you are inside, you can enjoy an $18 beer or $12.50 soda!



$12.50 for a soda cracks me up the most. In what world would any soda ever need to be $12.50??? At least beer gets you drunk. A 3 cent soda for $12.50 is insanity. 

But that's the Dan Snyder experience for you, baby. At least the team is going to be good this year. But my god does Dan Snyder just absolutely fucking suck. He won't be happy until there are zero fans in the stands.

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